Wednesday 3 September 2008

Ramsay slates Buckingham Palace food

Chef Gordon Ramsay has launched a scathing tone-beginning on the quality of the food for thought at Buckingham Palace.

In an interview on the 'Tonight Show' in the US, Ramsay aforesaid of his visit to Buckingham Palace: "You don't actually know who's cookery for the Queen, just I'd never employ him..."

He said the canapes "looked prehistoric, like 300-years-old".

Of the duck liver pate, he said: "I was stressful to get rid of it as I was approaching her because this thing was taking always to chew."

A spokeswoman for Buckingham Palace declined to respond to Ramsay's criticisms.

More info

Sunday 24 August 2008

New Grants Drive Development Of Rapid, Cost-Effective Sequencing Technologies

�The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has awarded more than $20 million in grants to develop modern sequencing technologies inexpensive and efficient sufficiency to episode a person's DNA as a routine part of biomedical research and health care.

"The ability to comprehensively sequence whatsoever person's genome is the type of quantum leap needed to usher in an age of personalised medicine where healthcare providers can use an individual's genetic code to keep, diagnose, and treat diseases," said Alan E. Guttmacher, M.D., playing director of the National Human Genome Research Institute.

DNA sequencing costs have fallen dramatically over the past decade, fueled in big part by tools, technologies and sue improvements developed as part of the successful try to episode the human genome. NHGRI subsequently launched programs in 2004 to accelerate the development of sequencing technologies and the rate of reduction of genome sequencing cost. Significant progress has been made towards the goal of producing high quality genome sequence of 3 1000000000 base pairs - the amount of DNA ground in humans and other mammals - for $100,000. Ultimately, NHGRI's vision is to cut the cost of whole-genome sequencing of an individual's genome to $1,000 or less, which will enable sequencing as part of routine medical care.

"A unexampled generation of sequencing technologies is stepping in front end of the already impressive technologies that enabled initial sequencing of the human genome," aforementioned Jeffery Schloss, Ph.D., NHGRI's program director for technology development. "We continue to seek further innovation to enable routine sequencing of genomes to advance scientific knowledge and healthcare."

The new grants will fund vIII investigator teams to train revolutionary technologies that would make it possible to sequence a genome for $1,000, as well as troika investigators developing nearer-term technologies to sequence a genome for $100,000. The collective approaches incorporate many complementary elements that integrate biochemistry, chemical science and physics with technology to heighten the whole effort to develop the next contemporaries of DNA sequencing and analysis technologies.

"$1,000 Genome" Grants

NHGRI's Revolutionary Genome Sequencing Technologies grants have as their goal the development of find technologies that will enable a human-sized genome to be sequenced for $1,000 or less.

Grant recipients and their approximative total financial backing are:

Daniel Branton, Ph.D., Jene A. Golovchenko, Ph.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

$6.5 million (4 years)

Electronic Sequencing in Nanopores

Several groups are developing nanopores (holes about 2 nanometers in diameter) that may be able to recognize individual DNA bases by their electrical or ionic signals to reach high-accuracy sequencing of individual DNA molecules. The goal of this group is to design and optimize nanopore engineering using novel electronic control and perception methods to eventually lead to a nanopore detector chip subject of sequencing a mammalian genome inside a day on a single instrument.

Stephen Y. Chou, Ph.D., Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

$920,000 (3 years)

Nanogap Detector (Arrays) Inside Nanofluidic Channels for Fast Real-Time DNA Sequencing

A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, much excessively small to be seen with a conventional research lab microscope. This group testament explore exploitation a nanochannel that includes a nanogap detector sensitive enough to identify DNA base pairs by their electrical signals as a single DNA molecule is moved through the device, eliminating the costly stone's throw of amplifying or labeling the DNA. The stress of the initial work is to develop techniques for fabricating nanogap detectors with improved sensitivity and functionality.

Marija Drndic, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

$820,000 (3 years)

DNA Sequencing Using Nanopore-Nanoelectrode Devices for Sensing and Manipulation

This team of researchers will address several current obstacles to achieving nanopore-based DNA sequencing by using nanoelectrodes to sense and manipulate molecules passing through the nanopore, and by integrating microfluidics to actively transport DNA molecules to the nanopore. Developments will be made available to other groups working to create nanopore-based DNA sequencers.

Di Gao, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

$370,000 (2 years)

DNA Sequencing-At-A-Stretch

This team will position the foundation to demonstrate basic principles for a technology where DNA strands are pulled away from a solid surface when stretched by an electric field. When the stretching force exceeds a certain value, which is proportional to DNA length, the DNA strand would be released from the aerofoil and detected by fluorescence. The order in which strands ar released allows the legal instrument to place the sequence of root pairs.

Xiaohua Huang, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, La Jolla

$2.5 million (4 years)

Genome Sequencing by Natural DNA Synthesis on Amplified DNA Clones

Building on late advances in sequencing by synthesis in several laboratories, and this lab's advances in preparing very large numbers of sequencing templates on a surface, this project aims to develop an instrument and protocols to ameliorate DNA sequence quality and speed while lowering cost, and develop methods for genome assembly from little sequence reads.

Jiali Li, Ph.D., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

$830,000 (3 years)

Exploration of Solid-state Nanopore Reading Labeled Linear DNA Sequence

The goal of most nanopore-based sequencing platforms is to be able to succession DNA without having to label or copy the nucleotides. However, this squad will conduct basic research to develop a nanopore sensing organization that labels nucleotides with a bulky group that is loose to discover, to better differentiate the electrical signal difference among DNA bases. The short-run goal of the method acting is to determine the sequence of a piece of DNA about grand base pairs in length using solid-state nanopores.

Stuart Lindsay, Ph.D., Arizona State University, Tempe

$370,000 (1 year)

Sequencing By Recognition

This team will test a method in which molecules that are tethered to electrodes will tie transiently to DNA. Binding would dispatch an electron tunneling circuit, signaling the presence of a especial base - A, C, G or T - within the DNA. If successful, this method would be deployed in a nanopore with different binding molecules for each of the four nucleotide bases.

Predrag S. Krstic, Ph.D., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.

$720,000 (2 years)

DNA Transport and Sequencing Through a Quadrupole Gate

This investigator is partnering with Mark Reed, Ph.D., of Yale University to develop a nanoscale device that would enhance control of localisation and movement of a DNA molecule based on the idea of a quadrupole Paul trap, a component of a bulk spectrometer that confines and analyzes ions using an intermixture of AC and DC electric fields. Ultimately, this research would combine improved manipulation of the DNA with nucleobase signal detection and could potentially lead to a cheaper alternate to nanopore sequencing.

"$100,000 Genome" Grants

NHGRI's Near-Term Development for Genome Sequencing grants will support research aimed at sequencing a human-sized genome at 100 multiplication lower cost than was possible when this opening move was announced in 2004. In voice through the efforts of this NHGRI-led program, several technologies take recently been commercialized or are expected soon, that achieve or nearly attain this goal. These additional grants get for improvements that could be implemented in the near future to farther enhance sequencing at this dramatically lowered cost. Grant recipients and their close together total g are:

Steven A. Benner, Ph.D., Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, Inc., Gainesville, Florida

$1.1 million (3 years)

Near-Term Development of Reagents and Enzymes for Genome Sequencing

This laboratory testament apply modern nucleic acid analogs and enzymes that accept them to piecemeal diminish the cost of whole genome sequencing. These technologies, supported by bioinformatic workbenches, enable paths round cost-generating steps by increasing the number of reactions that ar run in parallel, to prepare genomic DNA for the sequencing process.

Jingyue Ju, Ph.D., Columbia University, New York

$950,000 (2 years)

DNA Sequencing with Reversible dNTP and Cleavable Fluorescent ddNTP Terminators

This team will develop a hybrid strategy that uses a salmagundi of chemically modified DNA constituents called nucleotides, along with newfangled methods to restart the sequencing reaction, to improve the length and timber of DNA information produced by sequencing-by-synthesis.

Mostafa Ronaghi, Ph.D., Illumina Inc., San Diego, Calif.

$5.1 zillion (3 years)

Development of a 10Gb Pyrosequencer

The principal investigator of this team is an discoverer of pyrosequencing, which uses unmodified nucleotides to synthesise DNA and generate chemiluminescent signals. Researchers plan to further develop a highly integrated and parallel format with improved equipment for detection of the chemiluminescent signals resulting in an approach that will enable human genome sequencing at a lower place $100,000.

For more details around the NHGRI sequencing engineering science development grants, go to:

NHGRI is one of the 27 institutes and centers at NIH. The NHGRI Division of Extramural Research supports grants for research and training and career ontogeny at sites nationwide. Additional information around NHGRI bottom be establish at

The National Institutes of Health - "The Nation's Medical Research Agency" - includes 27 institutes and centers, and is a constituent of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more, inspect

Source: Geoff Spencer

NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute

More info

Thursday 14 August 2008

New band of the day - No 368: Abe Vigoda

Hometown: Los Angeles.

The batting order: Michael Vidal (guitar, vocals), Juan Valasquez (vocals, guitar), Reggie Guerrero (bass), Dave Reichardt (drums).

The background knowledge: Abe Vigoda, named after the veteran Hollywood actor wHO portrayed mobster Sal Tessio in The Godfather, won't put a horse's head in your bed, only they are making a racket you wouldn't be able to refuse even if you took the cotton wool out of Marlon Brando's mouth and wedged it in your ears.

They're the latest American exponents of lush, tropic punk, of gamelan stain, of Afrobeat noisepop, and there volition be a lot of fuss made about them this fall in the press. They're harder and more fast-growing in sound than Vampire Weekend only the purport is standardised: to mix up the rhythms and melodies of highlife with rock's dOE and barrack to overkill. Their approaching album Skeletons - non their first, but the first to gain them worldwide exposure - is a unappeasable affair, like being attacked by a steel band playing Stooges songs at double fastness. But blink and you'll miss them. There ar 14 tracks on Skeletons, the longest at 3 minutes 42 seconds, the shortest, Whatever Forever, comprising 44 seconds of amplified static and interference, like hearing My Bloody Valentine and kid606 having a barney in a blizzard. Most of the songs come in at the one or two-minute mark, but they cram so much into each one, there are so many jerky snippets and snatches, tempo twitches and changes of yard, it takes several plays to take in what's going on.

Yesterday's NBOTD name-checked Orange Juice, citing them as the godfathers of jingly-jangly indie, which they kinda were. Abe Vigoda are truer to the Scottish band's original determination to be a white stone band playing African rhythms - that they got it so wrong merely somehow so right, was one of those happy accidents. In fact, Abe Vigoda's song Lantern Heights recalls those other early-80s pioneers of scratchy Scottish funk, the Fire Engines. Before they decided to sound like Pavement wrestling with King Sunny Ade or a post-rock circle doing shameful things to Paul Simon's Graceland, Abe Vigoda were high-school dance-punks with a penchant for no wave and new wave, making few waves with old ideas and tired strategies. Then they became involved in the unappetisingly titled The Smell, an all-ages arts/performance space in business district LA where experimental bands with name calling like No Age, Magik Markers, Old Time Relijun, Health and Mika Miko do vanguard things with a DIY attitude. Abe Vigoda take care set to be the first circle from that scene to attract world-wide interest with their excited splashy drums, intricate spurts of micro-percussion, lilting vocals crooning mistily about Hyacinth Grrls, Cranes and Visi Rings and against-all-odds cohesive pulling in concert of a myriad disparate elements.

The buzz: "The chaotic hurtle of noise-rock with the incandescent chime of highlife."

The truth: It's intriguing, it commode be annoyance, but when it deeds, and in small doses - also much is just besides much - Abe Vigoda make an exhilarating noise.

Most likely to: Lubricate your living room.

Least likely to: Pay to have Vampire Weekend, ahem, "removed".

What to buy: Debut album Skeleton is released by Bella Union on October 6.

File following to: Vampire Weekend, Pavement, 23 Skidoo, Fire Engines.


Tomorrow's new band: Anni Rossi.

More information

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Spears' Dad to Stay in Charge Through '08

( Photos

Britney Spears will remain below her father's care for a few more months, but she may ring in 2009 on her own terms. James Spears' control over his pop star daughter's life was extended through the

Friday 27 June 2008

West celebs immortalised in granite

Actor Oscar Kightley, racing driver Paul Radisich and fashion guru Karen Walker are the latest additions to Waitakere City Council’s walkway of fame.

Granite plaques bearing their handprints will be officially unveiled at a ceremony tomorrow.

The walkway at the civic centre in Henderson was started by the council in 2001 to honour famous west Aucklanders.

Mayor Bob Harvey says it wasn’t easy picking this year’s lucky three.

"There’s tough criteria," he says.

Other nominees included film director Rodger Donaldson, who once lived in Titirangi, and actor Russell Crowe whose parents once ran the old Potters Wheel pub in New Lynn.

Crowe missed out because he lived in Blockhouse Bay, not Waitakere city.

The council will soon be accepting nominations for next year and Mr Harvey says All Blacks coach and former Kelston Boys High School principal Graham Henry will probably be in the running.

"He certainly has the credentials as far as I’m concerned."

Samoan born actor, writer and television presenter Oscar Kightley is a familiar face to most west Aucklanders.

The Te Atatu Peninsula resident grew up in Waitakere and worked as a journalist after attending Rutherford College.

He soon found his way into television where he worked as a Super 14 Rugby commentator and presenter for the show Sportzah.

Mr Kightley co-wrote the 2006 film Sione’s Wedding and is also well known for his involvement in the satirical television cartoon series bro’ Town and the play the Naked Samoans.

Karen Walker is an international name in the fashion world. The Swanson resident started work in the fashion industry in the early 1990s and her designs are seen in top fashion shows in Europe and the United States.

Her clothes have been worn by Madonna, Kate Winslet, Tyra Banks and Liv Tyler and she now has permanent showrooms in London, Tokyo, New York and Sydney.

Paul Radisich grew up in west Auckland and shifted to Europe in the early 1980s where he raced in the British Formula 3 class alongside Damon Hill in 1985 and 1986.

He was back down under by the 1990s and has since been a regular fixture in the Australian Touring Car Series.

See Also

Thursday 19 June 2008

Incredible Hulk - Marvel-ous Weekend

Two features from Marvel Entertainment, a company that only ten years ago was forced
into bankruptcy, landed among the box office's top ten over the weekend. The Incredible
Hulk sold $55.4 million worth of tickets, putting it in first place, while <
I>Iron Man added $5.6 million to its gross, bringing its seven-week total to
$279.9 million. Meanwhile, performing well above expectations, Fox's The Happening
took in $30.5 million in its debut -- nearly twice what analysts had predicted.
Last weekend's champ, Kung Fu Panda slipped to second place with $30.5 million.

The top ten films over the weekend, according to final figures compiled by Media
by Numbers (figures in parentheses represent total gross to date):
1. The
Incredible Hulk, Universal, $55,414,050, (New); 2. Kung Fu Panda, Paramount,
$33,612,594, 2 Wks. ($117,289,932); 3. The Happening, 20th Century Fox, $30,517,109,
(New); 4. You Don't Mess With The Zohan, Sony, $16,370,344, 2 Wks. ($68,760,685);
5. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Paramount, $14,741,83
4, 4 Wks. ($276,524,265); 6. Sex and the City, Warner Bros., $9,788,353, 3
Wks. ($119,522,016); 7. Iron Man, Paramount, $5,620,375, 7 Wks. ($297,918,329);
8. The Strangers, Universal, $4,024,485, 3 Wks. ($45,287,220); 9. The Chronic
les of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Disney, $3,165,013, 5 Wks. ($131,904,474); 10.
What Happens in Vegas, Fox, $1,667,587, 6 Wks. ($75,755,145).


See Also

Friday 13 June 2008

Simple Aggression

Simple Aggression   
Artist: Simple Aggression




   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 10


Sunday 8 June 2008


Artist: Obtest

   Metal: Pagan


Is Kartos I Karta   
 Is Kartos I Karta

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 8

Auka Seniems Dievams   
 Auka Seniems Dievams

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 3

Pries Adura   
 Pries Adura

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 5

Oldness Comming   
 Oldness Comming

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 3


Wednesday 4 June 2008

The Ting Tings - The Ting Tings Top Uk Album Chart

British pop duo THE TING TINGS have seen their debut LP shoot to the top of the U.K. album charts.

The dance act's We Started Nothing LP debuted at the top of Britain's album chart on Sunday (25May08), knocking U.S. crooner Neil Diamond's Home Before Dark to the number two position.

Welsh soul sensation Duffy still hangs in the top five, with her Rockferry album sitting at number three, while German techno band Scooter are at four with Jumping All Over the World, and Australian drum and bass group Pendulum are at five with In Silico.

In the U.K. singles chart, The Ting Tings missed out on a chart double after their single That's Not My Name - last week's (18May08) number one - was knocked from the top spot by Rhianna's Take A Bow. The Ting Tings's song is now in second place.

Madonna and Justin Timberlake's collaboration 4 minutes falls another place to number three, with and Girls Aloud star Cheryl Cole's Heartbreaker and Sam Sparro's Black + Gold at four and five respectively.

See Also

Denise Richards - The Things They Say 8460

"(I'll send) something from the girls. At the end of the day, he's their dad. They have to understand that." DENISE RICHARDS will put her rift with ex-husband CHARLIE SHEEN aside for one day on Friday (30May08) when their daughters Lola and Sam attend Sheen's wedding to Brooke Mueller.

See Also


The Great Longing (Decca): B

For two spectacular tracks, it sounds as if journeyman songwriter Roy is about to make something much greater than a breezy album of soulful, off-the-cuff folk-rock on his major-label debut. But even if the rest of “The Great Longing” isn’t up to the standards set by the to-die-for choruses of “The Willow” and “I Love Everyone,” Roy is enough of a pro (having written songs for Ray Charles, Joe Cocker and others) with big enough ears (he grew up in Philly absorbing eveything from Gamble and Huff to John Coltrane) to make a breezy album of soulful off-the-cuff folk-rock sound pretty damned good. Download: “Without Conscience.”

Redknapp set for West End role?

Singer and television presenter Louise Redknapp is reportedly in talks to star in a West End musical.
The former Eternity singer, who now presents 'The Clothes Show' on UKTV Style, recently said that she would like to relaunch her singing career.
Speaking about the West End rumours, Redknapp told the Daily Express: "There have been chats about it and it could be on the horizon very soon."
She dismissed reports, however, that she will be starring in a production of 'Grease', saying: "I couldn't see me in the skinny Lycra pants. Maybe 10 years ago, but not now."

Jarvis Cocker Praises Amy Winehouse's "Clever Lyrics"

Jarvis Cocker and Amy WinehouseJarvis Cocker has praised Amy Winehouse for her clever lyrics.

The former Pulp frontman praised the troubled singer and British band the Arctic Monkeys for their use of language and lyrical themes in their records.

He says, "Rap music has stayed in relatively good health, because it's almost all about the words. Arctic Monkeys have made much of their love of hip hop and I think you can hear that in Alex Turner's lyrics.

"Amy Winehouse goes one better and just makes words up. I think Pete Doherty harks back to The Beatles' song 'I am the Walrus' - he plays games with words."

The 'Common People' hitmaker, who is currently working on material for his second solo album, was previously hailed the most important lyricist of the mid-nineties 'Britpop' era.

See Also

Take That - Monty Don Intending To Make Full Recovery

since suffering a minor stroke.

Don, 52, appeared at the Hay Festival in Hay-on-Wye today where he told an audience that he was "very happy" to no longer be filming for 12 hours a day.

"I'm fine and recovering well," he said.

"I can't do regular… you know what TV is like with 12 hour days. I'm very happy to take that burden off me."

The gardening presenter said he was enjoying "pottering round" and was intending on making a "full recovery and do what I can when I can".

Don suffered a minor stroke six weeks ago which forced him to give up his presenting job on Gardeners' World.

The 52-year-old presented the BBC show for five years after taking over from Alan Titchmarsh in 2003.

26/05/2008 15:59:16

See Also


Artist: M.O.S.K.W.A.




   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 18


Michael Buble and Frank Sinatra

Shania's Marriage a Runaway Twain

Shania Twain, Mutt LangeStill the one? Not anymore.
Country crossover Shania Twain and her record-producing hubby, Robert "Mutt" Lange, have separated after nearly a decade and a half of...